About us
Career Map the No.1 Career Counseling Organization in Odisha is a unit of Identity Group is the pioneer in the field of Career Counseling in Odisha since 2016. The prime objective with which Career Map began was to enable students to make the right decision on their future careers. Career Map focuses on creating a platform for students where they can have access to information related to different career options, Colleges & Universities, Entrance Exams, and Scholarships. We bridge the gap by setting up Career Counseling Cells in schools. Career Map focuses on psychometric assessment based Career Counseling, Career Guidance, Behavioural Counseling, Mentorship for the students, and Parenting. We have set up career cells in top schools of Bhubaneswar and presently we are aiming at expanding all over Odisha. Besides we are the technical partner for UNICEF Odisha and the educational partner of Dept. School & Mass Education of Odisha (DHSE, OSEPA) for the career awareness project for 22 lakh students from classes 9th To 12th.
93% students aged 14 to 21 are aware of just seven career options, though there are 250+ different types of job options available in India. Nearly 40% students from class 9th, 10th and 11th are clueless about their career options. Hence, it is inevitable to select your career by giving it the highest importance in life.
To provide all the students with necessary information related to diverse career options, entrance exams, institutions, scholarships, admission process.
To ensure that all the students can select the right career option for themselves based on their Aptitude, Personality & Interest
Facts and Figures

Student Impacted

Trained Facilators

School Associated
Our Services

Career Map the No.1 Career Counseling Organization in Odisha is a unit of Identity Group whose prime objective is to enable students to make the right decision on his future career. Career Map focuses on creating a platform for students where they can have access to information related to different career options, Colleges & Universities, Entrance Exams and Scholarships.
Our process is very structured which starts with psychometric career assessment test, One to one counseling with the student, PCS meeting, to career option finalization.
Every student who opts for a career counselling process, appears a Psychometric Career Assessment test where his Aptitude, Personality and Interests are assessed.
These questions are framed by experienced psychologists based on Vocational Psychology Concepts. The accuracy ratio stands at 70% to 80%. It’s just a diagnostic test to understand the student.
In the world of competition and overloaded information, a child is confused from multiple angles for taking a right career decision. And, 2nd mistake in the career of a student may lead to career disruption. Hence, a professional consultation for yourFor 1 year once your registered. However, you can renew it after a year. career is recommended.
For 1 year once your registered. However, you can renew it after a year.
Yes of course, throughout your career journey.
We do not charge for any Career Counseling support in future.
Yes, we provide career counselling support to all who seek career guidance starting from school students, to Graduates to Professionals.
Yes. In the form of Career Counseling Cell which is active throughout the year. Career Counseling Cell is a one stop platform for the students where they have access to all kinds of information related to the career.