Starting from students to professionals , everyone needs a Mentor. Mentor nourishes you, sprinkles the appropriate on you and removes the inappropriate. Mentor is just like a dietician who recommends the right food to you. In the ocean of information and competitive age, making right decision alone is one of the humongous tasks. Without an experienced mentor having relevant exposure, your life can take any turn for which many repent later. 

We at Career Map with our highly experienced trained  counselors and experienced professionals from different fields mentor the students throughout the year so that the students grow in the safe hands academically, intellectually, behaviorally, & most importantly personally. 

Mentorship at Identity helps its students to identify and pursue the right career goals, to identify correct gaps in acquiring knowledge and preparation, to boost confidence, to develop a broader perspective on career options and opportunities, to gain an insight to University culture, to set goals, to manage time effectively, to experience success in adopted activities, and many others.


  • Multidimensional Student Mentorship program has been designed for 12 months/24 sessions with handholding sessions, Tracking & Menoring, Task Rendering, Counseling, Mentoring formoral, behavioral, and cognitive development of the child.
  • Psychometric Based Career Counselling.
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Hobby Management.
  • Anger Management.
  • Stress Management.
  • Relationship Management: (Parents, Teachers, Friends and Others).
  • Social Manners & Etiquettes.
  • Social & Interpersonal Skills.
  • Leadership Development
  • Attitude Building.
  • Memory & Concentration Enhancement.
  • Development of Logical Ability and Lateral Thinking
  • General Awareness.
  • Academics Involvement.
  • Time-Schedule Management.
  • Exam Preparation Strategy
  • Guidance to enrolment into Courses/Programs/Scholarships
  • Performance Consistency
  • Brain Training on refraining from Substance Abuse
  • Developing emotional Intelligence
  • Monthly 2 Sessions (12 Months x 2 = 24 Sessions)
  • Developmental Monitoring Every 15 Days (Students with Parent Involvement when ever required).
  • Periodical Development Record by Counseling.
  • Contingency Sessions when ever child requires (Co-Curricular, Extra-Curricular and Competitions)
  • STD – VI Onwards.